Silent Love

Jumat, 07 September 2012

In silence I love you
No words were spoken
Both my eyes staring at you,
trying to memorize your face ...
My ears, trying to hear your voice
Wish I could memorize your voice

If at any time I miss you,
I close my eyes
Feeling my heart always love you
imagine your face
Trying to remember your voice
And I'm sure, at that moment I would smile :)

 ( The poem is based on the true story)
 Exactly what I experienced :D

Maybe there are many people who experience this kind of thing. Love someone, miss someone, but could not express it.
Just be silent.. 

4 komentar:

  1. You serious it is D? Not the other initial?
    Oh... okay... you've hidden so many things from meeee!

  1. Shindinia mengatakan...:

    Hee?? ?___?
    What's wrong with you?
    Sorry if I was wrong. : (
    Perhaps, there is something to tell, but some are not able to tell.
    Hehe: D
    But many have I told to you sist..!!
    I had to share :)

  1. Shindinia mengatakan...:

    mbok komen g ucah pake english ngunu kak... aku ndadak mikir 2 kali lipat bls nya.. wkwkkw_ :D

  1. lha puisimu basa inggris ug (lah malah dadi njowo #back to native)

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